
Google has updated it note taking/sharing app, Google Keep, with a new feature which is quite useful if you’re used to adding reminders based on location.

When adding a location-based reminder to a note within Keep, you’ll be treated to a new Google Maps screen which will simply allow you to see the spot on the map rather rather than previously guessing this through a text-only address.

Once you have added the location to your note and it doesn’t matter how general it may be, a screen will pop up with the Google Maps embedded within it. You can move the location around which will enable you to more precisely select exactly where Keep will remind you.

The only other additional changes within the update log, which brings Google Keep up to version 3.1.204, brings the usual bug fixes and performance improvements. The update had begun to push out a couple of days ago, but if you haven’t yet got it, you can download the update from APK Mirror right here.

Google Keep - Notes and Lists
Google Keep - Notes and Lists
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
Source: Google Play - Keep.
Via: Android Police.
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    Dennis Bareis

    Wish they’d start making Google tasks usable (repeating tasks for starters).


    I think they already have recurring tasks available in the current version

    Dennis Bareis

    Nope, just tried again 🙁