Android Exp

Google recently launched their Android Experiments showcase as a “celebration of creativity and code”. Today they promoted one of the new apps to have been accepted into the program. Kosm is described as “a gravity based music sequencer” by the developer Check out the demonstration video below.

As is the requirements for these experiments the code has been open sourced and is available for others to learn from, it can find it on GitHub if you are interested in looking under the hood. Also in line with the program the app has been made available to all in the Playstore, find the link below.

This is an example of how Google is continually trying to encourage developers to push the limits of what can be achieved on the Android platform and share that knowledge with the wider developer community. Will Kosm become the must have app for 2015? I sincerely doubt it, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t take a lot of skill and effort to bring it to life, and that it wasn’t fun to play with, and who knows in that code may be the kernel of the next big app.

If you’re interested in trying the app you can get it in the Playstore now

Price: Free

Source: Android Experiments.