Google 17th Birthday
If you’ve been to the Google homepage or launched Google Now today, you’ll have seen the above doodle. The well known Google Doodle today celebrates something close to home for Google: their 17th birthday.

It may or may not be their actual birthday with Google themselves not actually sure when their birthday is – they’ve actually celebrated it on the 7th, 8th, 26th, and the 27th of September. But, they’re saying today.

The Google doodle above shows off a PC typical of the time when Google launched and a lava lamp, both of which appear in an early shot of the Google Offices. It also shows a couple of servers built from lego, similar to what Sergey and Larry had to build to get the world’s greatest search engine off the ground. And what nerdy computer venture is complete without Tux, the Linux penguin hanging around.

The milestone isn’t specifically special for any particular reason, but any reason to celebrate a birthday is a good one, so we say Happy Birthday Google – we’ll leave it until Wednesday morning when you can gift us some great new products.

Source: Google.
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    Should have bought their stocks when they went public….but I was worried back then that they were just a ‘one trick pony’ and it only takes 1 better search engine to destroy their revenue base. In fact, it still holds true today that the majority of their revenue come from search ads, despite them diversifying in all sorts of areas.