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Overnight, Android and tech sites in the US seem to lose their collective s*** over formerly iOS only hyper-local weather app, Dark Sky making its way to Android. Dark Sky is unfortunately as most people found this morning when checking their news feeds, a US-only app. We’re used to this here in Australia and reached out to the developer to ask about expanding availability.

To start with Dark Sky looks great, it also offers some amazing forecast functionality and custom alerts which would be quite useful. The problem for us here in Australia is that Dark Sky relies heavily on established radar infrastructure in the US to deliver up to the minute reports that literally tell you when to pull out your umbrella, this is why it’s a US-only launch. So, will it come to Australia? Adam Abrutyn from Dark Sky Company advised Ausdroid

We are actively working to expand our coverage – stay tuned. This requires us to have high quality radar data in each region (we’re working on it!)

And before you ask, yes, we’ve pointed the Dark Sky team to the Bureau of Meteorology data feeds page.

So, the answer is yes, they would like to expand but they want to ensure they can get a similar experience to what they can deliver in the US. In the meantime, there are other options, in fact you can read up on Jason’s thoughts on Australian hyper-local weather app, Brolly, here. Rest assured, we will advise if we hear anything further about Dark Sky expanding to Australia.

Source: Google Play.