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There’s a huge variety of reasons you may wish to track your (or your work team’s) time use and there are seemingly endless ways to do it. One that has recently come to the attention of many users is Toggl. It’s a fantastic option that offers cross platform functionality (iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux options) as well as a number of integrations, extensions such as Chrome and APIs to ensure that whatever you’re using for your projects you can accurately track your time.

Toggl Dashboard

Regardless of how you decide to interact with Toggl, the “one click” Time tracking is absolutely one of the cleanest options I have ever used and when you add Android Wear integration there really is no excuses to not have your time accounted for. The setup can be as simple or complex as you like and can be customised to your needs and workflow with some of the options including; colour coding projects, sub-projects, the ability to create teams and a highly functional dashboard that gives you further information and visibility of time use.

The reports are another area that will not only offer increased productivity to your team, but potentially lost profit to your business by allowing time to very easily and quickly switch between projects that are billable and ensuring that you are accurately billing your clients for time spent. Its full featured and worth a look if you’re after an easy to use time tracking tool.

Would you consider Toggl for your business or personal needs?

Source: Toggl.