The recent price changes on Evernote have annoyed a lot of paying users, myself included. What they may have underestimated when changing their pricing structure is the backlash from users looking for alternative products and we’re here to give you some options to look at.

Google’s offerings – Keep and Drive

So the majority of the Ausdroid team are using either Drive, Keep our a combination of the two for our needs. Chris summed it up really well when he said “why? because it’s free, simple, fast, syncs without even thinking about it“ and the fact that it is an integrated feature into the Google suite makes it quite attractive to those of us who are heavily invested and integration options adds to the attractiveness of the option.

Keep 1


As the Microsoft alternate offering to the prolific note takers out there, OneNote had plenty to offer users by way of functionality. In what can only be described to those who haven’t used it as a hybrid between Excel and Notepad that can use an internal directory structure of your own design OneNote really can be anything you want or need it to be but it does take commitment to set it up and consistently use it to really make it work for you.


Simple Note

Simple note feels like what Evernote used to be. Really simple, free and cross platform to allow you access to all your notes in one place. The main differences for some users will be the need for a separate login and the lack of integration with platforms such as IFTTT.

Simple Note

There are literally dozens, probably hundreds of viable options out there as stand alone note taking alternatives for those who are disillusioned with the changes to Evernote which was — although far from perfect —  a solid product that offered truly cross platform functionality. Or perhaps users are just looking for something better than what they’re currently using.

Share your note taking app experiences with us.

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Tasks. Integrated with gmail.


I agree with you but I do think cost is an issue. Apart from professional users, the sub cost is greedy. If I was paid an hourly wage, myself and most others I know still wouldn’t cover the cost of a monthly sub in most cases. To me, that is mental.


Personally the cost is not an issue. As a matter of principle, the limiting of the free account to two devices is more of an issue. That is why rather than buying the pro version of Evernote, I have switched to OneNote which I get free as part of my Office365 package. Seyonara Evernote.