nextbit battery
Infant phone company Nextbit has today announced a new web interface allowing access to customers photo stored in the cloudwill be coming to Beta testers soon.

The feature was announced on Facebook Live and Periscope, with engineer Ravi showing the interface in use. The description of the web interface according to Nextbit:

When you log into the client and click on a picture, it zooms in and shows the picture’s meta deta. In addition, you can select multiple pictures and download them to your computer if you want, or you can share them to your friends and family. It’s a very clean and simple interface, and more features are being built in.

To see a run through of the interface you can watch the Periscope video here:

If you’re interested in checking out the Web Client beta, you can join up to the Beta program on the Nextbit Community site.

Source: Nextbit Community.