Australian developer Halfbrick Studios, the same guys behind the excellent Jetpack Joyride and Fruit Ninja franchises have released an update for their Star Skater game, bringing YouTube stars to the small screen with skateboards in tow.

The Star Skater franchise launched in December last year, and has been a perennial favourite of my son since then. The latest update which runs over 4 weeks, will give you the chance to unlock as many YouTube stars as you can in preparation for a global community Skate-Off. There’s a number of YouTube stars on board for the skate off including:

The first stage of the skate off is underway now and runs until the 22nd of July with players able to hunt for and unlock stars by depositing Sk8 Bucks into the game’s prize machine. The next phase runs from July 22nd to August 13 with the YouTube stars now showing as playable characters, with trophies now appearing with a global leader board showing the current leaders.

The final part of the skate off, sees the YouTube star pick one fan to be brought into Star Skater as a playable character. Every player who contributes at least 50 trophies to the winners tally will receive a Golden Victory Pack as a thank you for ‘shredding hard’.

All players will also be eligible to receive bonus decks – The Game Controller Deck, Video Cassette Deck, and the Mobile Phone Deck – just for contributing a trophy to the leaderboard.

The update is available now in Google Play, update your app, or head over and install it now to participate.

Source: Google Play.