Bubble Zoom Google Play Books

If you’re into reading comics you may have attempted to use your mobile device to read through your digital collection. Chances are if you did you may not have found the experience all that compelling, especially on a smaller screen. The speech bubbles just end up too small, and as a result, you’re constantly zooming in and out, but what if you didn’t need to?

At Comic-Con in San Diego today Google introduced ‘Bubble Zoom’. Using the same machine learning technology Google introduced with Google Photos google can now detect a speech bubble in virtually any comic. With bubble zoom, comic readers will be able to click on each speech bubble in turn and have it enlarged with a smooth animation.

To celebrate the release Google is offering 50% off select Marvel and DC comics in Google Play Books, go check it out for yourself, you may need to enter this code SDCC2016, the sale ends July 24th, 2016. The new feature will commence as a technical preview on the latest version of Google Play Books supporting all Marvel and DC comics to start with. Google hopes to add support for every comic and manga ever made.

Are you a comic reader? Let us know your thoughts below.

Source: Google.