San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) is in full swing, with the convention closing up in the next few hours, but before the end, head of Niantic John Hanke took to the stage, as the first video game panel in Hall H at SDCC to reveal some interesting tidbits about plans for Pokémon Go.

To start with server stability is of upmost priority, the stability and availability of the game is key to growing the game that’s set records for user adoption on both Android and iOS. Stability of the servers will be coming first before the next big feature is introduced: Trading.

Hanke confirmed that trading Pokémon is definitely coming, but at this stage can’t commit to a time-frame. The other big news is that players will be able to customise PokéStops, as well as build Pokémon Centers (to heal up your injured Pokémon), and Gyms will also be getting new functionality – though he didn’t elaborate on exactly what.

There’s more Pokémon coming too, which will add to the 150 Pokémon already available in the game. Again though there’s no word on how many will be introduced or when. There’s over 700 Pokémon in the mythology across all platforms, but a dump of all the Pokémon into the game at once shouldn’t happen, it will most likely be in batches.

The last bit of Pokémon Go news is that we know what the team leaders of the three in-game teams now look like with the Pokémon Go twitter account revealing Candela as the head of Team Valor, Blanche as the head of Team Mystic and Spark as the head of Team Instinct.
Pokemon Teams

Hanke said that the game is only around 10% of where Niantic wants it to be, so stay tuned there’s a lot more coming to Pokémon Go.

Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
Developer: Niantic, Inc.
Price: Free
Via: IGN.