Android Notifications

In another move to assist users in improving their online security, especially of their Google account, the team at Mountian View have announced a new security feature coming to Android. Starting today and rollout out over the next few weeks you will now receive a native notification on all of your Android Devices when a new device is added to your account.

From the notification, you are able to either dismiss the card, because you just added the device, or click “Review Account Activity” if the activity looks suspicious.

The new account activity screen allows you to review which device was added, from what location, time and IP address. Most importantly it allows you to secure your account with one click.

Google’s research has shown that users are four times more likely to act on a notification then the existing emails they receive about account security issues. By adding the notification to Android Google is hoping to improve transparency and make it easier for users to stay secure online.

What do you think of native security notifications on Android? Let us know below.

Source: Google.
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This has been happening for me for a while.