Pikcahu wearing funny hats looks set to become a thing, with Niantic Labs adding a Pikachu with a party hat to Pokémon Go from February 26th.

The addition of a party hat wearing Pikachu is in celebration for Pokémon Day. For those who haven’t been following Pokémon, the game launched on February 27 in Japan way back in 1996. For the celebration, any Pikachu you find in the wild will be wearing a party hat.

Just like the santa hat wearing Pikachu that showed up at Christmas time, party hat Pikachu will get to keep his party hat forever.

The event runs from the 26th of February at 1pm PST (that’s 8am AEDST Monday the 27th of February for us) until 1pm on the 6th of March (that’s 8am AEDST on the 7th March), so keep your eyes peeled for party Pikachu.

Source: Pokémon.
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    Darren Ferguson

    Will he be spawning more than usual again? Otherwise I will never see one. He’s one elusive little guy.


    lets hope so as it took me until about Christmas to get my first one and I was playing since the Beta.