Google’s Arts and Culture team has announced some new improvements to both Search and Street View which will make searching for Art a more informative and helpful process.

To start with Search has been improved using Google Search smarts to introduce a new, interactive Knowledge Panel which will display collections of an artists work, or even information about which museums contain art from that artist, and even show high-resolution imagery of their art.

The Street View team are also getting in on the artsy fun, adding in new annotations for art when you view them in museums around the world. Annotations include information about each piece provided by the museum housing it. The annotations will also contain a link to high-resolution imagery of the piece of art.

Google says they’ve used their machine learning smarts to bring these annotations to life, with annotations added to 15,000 works.

It’s apparently live now, so if you’re performing one of the more than 500 million art-related searches on Google every day, you can see more about your favourite artist.

Source: Google.