We love us some podcasts here at Ausdroid, and many of us use Pocket Casts as our catcher of choice. We’ve done so for a while and will continue to do so, it’s a great product. So when an email comes from their team telling us that there’s donwtime coming to enable new features in the future – it got us thinking…

This downtime is required to enable some new and exciting features later this year.

The downtime will last roughly 8 hours, starting 5.30pm Sunday the 16th of June Pacific Time (8.30pm in New York). During this time you’ll still be able to add new podcasts, receive updates about existing ones you have and download and stream them to your hearts content. However the following things won’t be available:

  • Access to the Web Player and macOS and Windows apps
  • Our Alexa and Sonos integrations
  • Cross device syncing (your devices will still store sync information that they will save to your account later though)
  • Setting up new Pocket Casts accounts, or logging into existing ones won’t work during this time either
  • Changing your email address or password

There has been some discussion in the past about Google Assistant integration for Pocket Casts (possibly because we want it so badly), and we’re not-so-quietly hoping that this could be the beginning of that delivery to users.

Given the team’s history of delivering excellent products, it’s entirely possible they have something new and exciting to offer us.

We will see soon enough – the outage should end late this afternoon, after that the Pocket Casts team has their way forward.

Source: Pocket Casts Blog.
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    Pocket Casts has been a shitshow since the update the v7. Its an embarrassment to everyone involved – how to you take a near-perfect app and destroy it in one day?


    You got me excited, I thought they may have reverted back to version 6 and ditched the new version.


    that will never happen, there is too much money to be made in tracking your users metadata and selling it prepackaged to the old guard radio advertisers.