WhatsApp is a pretty popular messaging platform these days. Odds are you’re using it, or know a lot of people who are. In our sphere, for example, if you’re on a tech trip there’s always a WhatsApp group chat.

One of the big problems with group chats is being added to them unknowingly. If you know lots of people on the platform, it’ll happen sometime – being added to those annoying groups where your phone just goes into meltdown with messages.

Back in April WhatsApp rolled out the functionality to prevent people from adding you to groups, and now there’s a tweak to this which makes the feature a lot more user friendly.

There are three options on controlling who can add you to groups: Everyone, My Contacts and My Contacts Except. Everyone is self explanatory of course, and the others are explained in the WhatsApp blog post:

“My Contacts” means only users you have in your address book can add you to groups and “My Contacts Except” provides additional control for who among your contacts can add you to a group.

This last option doesn’t outright prevent users from adding you, but prompts them to send you an invitation to join a group, leaving you in control of the groups you join.

You can enable the feature through settings: Account → Privacy → Groups and choose your option. If you’re not yet seeing the updated options, update your app through the Play Store.

Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: WhatsApp LLC
Price: Free
Source: Whatsapp Blog.
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how about dark mode ffs

Chris Rowland

No arguments that would be welcome.