COVID-19 has kinda sucked for a lot of people, the impact has been enormous for so many people. Economic, emotional and family impact — our thoughts go out to those who’ve lost loved ones to the virus — are just a few of the issues faced. One area that has been affected with roll-on effect is socialisation.

To combat social isolation, Plex has rolled out a new feature:

Plex has rolled out Watch Together, a new feature that enables users to do just that – watch movies and shows at the same time via Plex, for free. Watch Together works with all free on-demand Plex content, as well as titles from personal media libraries.

There are a lot of extra features planned for Watch Together but in the early stages, it’s simply about watching a movie synchronised with your friends at other sites. You can watch together on Android devices (including Android TV), iOS and Apple TV. The setup doesn’t have any specific communication options included yet… But this is in the works so fire up your preferred messaging platform and banter through the movie.

Anyone who is on the line can play, pause or seek/scrub through the timeline. As it’s an early access feature, Watch Together is currently free to all Plex users but could become a Plex Pass feature once fully implemented.

As a long time Plex user, its great to see new features and experiments being introduced. It shows that despite the fact they have a strong user base they’re working to not just build a new user base but also keep their existing users onboard.