Google Messages has been continually developing over the last 12 months. The introduction of new features such as RCS, Assistant integrations including smart reply, stickers and suggested actions as well as recently adding an automated clean up of one time passwords. Google isn’t stopping there though with more changes on the horizon.

If you’ve got family or friends overseas and use RCS to chat with them, then the additional locations being added (information via Android Police) is going to please you. The latest additions include Austria, Bangladesh, Israel, Sri Lanka, and Switzerland. With the feature already available in many European regions and across the USA, a lot of overseas family and friends will be covered for chatting.

What’s new?

It looks like the latest inbound additional feature is designed to make using Google Messages as a central communications hub easier. Specifically searching for information or specific messages in your inbox by adding one-touch filters to the fray. The information has come from a tweet that gives nothing more than screenshots of the tags: Personal, transactions, OTP (which links to the cleanup feature), offers and “more”.

We’re hopeful more information comes to light about this in the near future. Google hasn’t really given users huge confidence that they’ll stick with any messaging platform but the concerted effort lately may finally show their future intent.

What further features would you like to see from Google Messages to make it indispensable?

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Mario G.

Make chat bubbles like iMessage in Google color options…


Works just fine for me, my friends and fam

James C

Exactly like the above poster has Said, it’s not really rolled out in Australia if only Telstra and Boost have the RCS enabled….


Yea Telstra’s crappy implementation is making RCS useless in Australia. Google just needs to do the interconnect themselves. When the test sandbox was available it was great.


Would be nice if RCS actually worked. Lost of undelivered messages and my brand new Samsung S20 just sits on “Connecting…”.

If Google were going for a iMessage killer with RCS, they have utterly failed.

Colin Jones

More importantly, when the hell are they going to roll out their RCS server for Australia so we can switch over from the Telstra exclusive nonsense?! It’s next to useless in Australia at the moment!