Google Messages has continued to evolve with the changing messaging market over the last 18 months. Features like RCS, reactions, tags and even automated OTP cleanup have been added. Now, providing you’re both on RCS, security has taken a leap forward with end to end encryption.

The video above acknowledges that the content of your messages is private conversations, that deserve to be kept so. The fly in the ointment here is the other person needs to be on Google Messages, ruling out any iPhone users. But Android users, make sure your friends are using Google Messages because we’ve seen a lot of development and expect to see more.

Of course, we have dozens of other messaging options but I for one am looking to simplify messaging in my life. So losing at least a couple of the messaging apps would be welcome, I just have to move friends to another option.

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google encryption is fake

good luck with that


I’m sure all of my state secrets will be lost to the enemy.


No padlock for me just yet in my RCS conversations…


same here.