Prime video is one of the lesser known and adopted streaming video options in Australia. The range of available shows continues to increase with a lot of very popular shows on the platform including:

  • Two and Half Men
  • The Office
  • Dr House
  • Top Gear
  • A range of reality TV shows

Thanks to one of our readers Ahmad, we’ve now seen live TV streaming into Australia, starting with Bloomberg TV.

This is early days for live streaming channels on the platform but for users, it’s big news that the offerings continue to expand. Providing the price is right, more live channels from overseas streaming into Australia could be a very popular addition.

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Phill Edwards

I have a Prime Video subscription. It’s absolutely awful. I find none of the content interesting. When I do find something I’d like to watch it turns out to be part of an additional subscription on top of my current one. Don’t waste your time and money on it, folks.

Ahmad Kishani

hopefully we get more live channels


As an Amazon Prime member I really want to see “Prime video” offer more stuff to watch, this sounds interesting!