It’s a new month, a new year, and there’s always bargains to be found in meeting our daily needs. You can always find a good deal on a new mobile plan, and the same is true of the NBN – there’s always a provider offering a discount or promotional offer.

Today we’re looking at two of my favourite providers, Tasmanian-based Launtel (that delivers service Australia wide, don’t worry) and Superloop with a new discount offer.

First up, Launtel’s offer isn’t exactly new – it’s one of their main features, and it’s one I’d like to let you in on.

Unlike most other NBN providers that’ll lock you in for at least a month (or some of them even longer), Launtel offers a pay-by-the-day service, and better yet, it comes with a 7-day free trial and six months of discounted service, too.

At the moment, you can trial any of Launtel’s plans for 7 days for free, with no obligation and no credit card required. Some of the most popular plans are:

  • NBN 25 – $1.99 per day (reverting to $2.42 per day after six months). That works out to $59.70 per month
  • NBN 50 – $2.28 per day (reverting to $2.86 per day after six months), or $68.40
  • NBN 100/40 – $3.25 per day (reverting to $3.50 per day after six months) or $97.50
  • NBN 250/25 – $3.80 per day (reverting to $4.20 after six months), or $114 per month,, and
  • NBN 250/100 – $5.50 per day (reverting to $5.70 after six months) or $165 per month

All Launtel plans come with unlimited data, and you can sign up just about anywhere in Australia. Simply head to the Launtel site , punch in your address and see what plans and speeds are available to you.

Sign-up is easy and quick and – like me when I signed up – you could be switched over and using the service in as little as 5-10 minutes.

The beauty of Launtel is the ability to change your plans whenever you like; you’ll only pay for the fastest plan used on a given day. You could, for example, use an NBN 50 plan during the week when no one much is around, and boost it up to a 100 or 250 plan on weekends when more people are at home demanding faster data. It’s entirely up to you!

If Launtel isn’t to your fancy, Superloop has a great discount offer available at the moment too. There’s up to 25% off on some plans, and around 15% off on the higher end faster plans, too.

  • NBN 25 for $49.95 per month for six months (then $64.95)
  • NBN 50 for $58.95 per month for six months (then $78.95)
  • NBN 100/20 for $74.95 per month for six months (then $89.95)
  • NBN 100/40 for $83.95 per month for six months (then $98.95)

If you really want to splash out, there’s NBN 1000 (or Gigabit) available for just $129 per month for the first six months (reverting to $149) which is quite a saving.

Check out these offers and more on Superloop’s website today.