FINALLY! Vodafone AU have finally announced (officially) that they will indeed be carrying the Nexus One, this announcement has been a long time coming. Since we broke the news that Vodafone would indeed carry it many hints have come out of the Vodafone camp.

For those of you who are not familiar with the Nexus One: It is Google’s current flagship device that will (& does) receive OTA updates before most other Android Smartphones. It was launched in January this year.

Vodafone have not said when they will launch it, those details will be available next week.

Update: I wrote Android 2.2 instead of Android 2.1. But hey, let’s not rule 2.2 out.

More info after the break

The version of the N1 that Vodafone are supplying will run Android 2.1, with the rest of the specs as follows:

  • 1GHz Snapdragon CPU
  • 512MB RAM
  • 3.7″ AMOLED Display
  • 800×480 pixels
  • WiFi b/g/n
  • 5MP Camera w/ Flash
  • Dual Mics for Noise Cancellation

[Via: Vodafone]

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Rex Karpe

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man i just gave up waiting and 2 days signed up for a Desire on Telstra… got on the Family and Friends deal… $49 a month get $400 worth of calls, 50mb of data (each mb is 25c after that out of the $400)… but call charges are 25c flagfall and 30c for 30seconds… so the calls are WAYYY cheaper than any other provider… so i guess i got a better deal that what will be offered with the Nexus… but vanilla android is tempting though… oh well all these handsets are starting to get people’s attention i hope!!! Best… Read more »


Hi James,
Where is this deal please?


I need 1 GB also which is why I’m still on my Vodafone $69 1 GB cap from when the Magic first came out. The new Samsung on Optus Social cap looks mad.. considering I can keep either the Nexus or the Samsung. But I’m also seriously looking at Exetel.. on a two year contract it’s $0.125 per 30 seconds and 1.5 cents per MB with $10 minimum spend. Then you also have Exetel MoIP VoIP service which can make additional savings. The only thing is the 2 year contract :/ I’m more looking to actually lower my costs.. not… Read more »


Cheers Buzz… I didn’t realize that you need to be family and friends of Telstra staff.


I got one from the US back in Jan and love the hell out of it. Running 2.2 on the three network (even though I work for Optus hehe ). The only real change I’ve made over standard function is adding HTCime keyboard.
People who complain about screen brightness and basically anything else about this phone are just having a winge. Definitely buy it just not on voda as theyre 3g is average at best. Wait for another carrier to pick it up

Nova T

Seeing as how Vodaphone and 3 are the same company now, I would image that 3 will also be getting the N1 when voda does? or at least shortly thereafter.


I have a Nexus One that I imported from the US. Great phone! I have no issue with the screen, touch sensitivity or the trackball. Perhaps I’m just not as fussy as some…


I’ve been looking at a handset like this for a while, however with all the dual core, higher GHz chips due in phones later this year, would it be better to wait? I’m also thinking that although the N1 is 6 or 7 months late in coming to Aus, it might help to drive a bit of android buzz, prompting carriers to release handsets with a shorter time delay. Thoughts/comments


so the announcement was essentially that they will be announcing more information next week… great work Vodafone.


yeah im a bit worried about the AMOLED but its the same hardware as the desire correct? dont really like the trackball either and im after a bigger screen, if only the galaxy s had a flash and could run the vanilla android


Has anyone here played with a N1?


yep they are fantastic, very fast response only problem was that the touch didn’t seem as accurate as the desire.