It was only a week ago that Telstra dropped the price of their Galaxy Tab, down to a cheap $408. Well they are at it again. Today, dropping it down to an unbelievable price of $299. There is a catch however, it can only be purchased online and shipped out to it’s waiting customers. This is even more evidence, that Telstra is abandoning the once over priced Tab and looking forward to bigger and better things.

Source: Telstra - Galaxy Tab.
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The morons at Hell$tra, T-Death shop, Centro Toombul, Brisbane refuse to sell the Tab at anything other than $408, claiming that the $299 is online sales only. And yes, because of their stupidity, they have stock of the Tab.
Also as a part of their imbecilic insanity they refuse to price match, even when I told them that JB HiFi are selling their stock of the Tab at the Telstra advertised price of $299.


Just checked the Telstra online shop page for the Tab.
No mention of the pricetag of the Tab being an online exclusive.
The Telstra online shop list the Tab as being out of stock.


Just bought the last one instore @ collins telstra! love this tab!


awesome, a galaxy tab/phone with multitouch capacitive for less than 300. Thank you for the heads up and thanks to tim for the band selector controls, but i think TPG has cheapest voice + data plans.

Gavan Carstensen

Had one ordered into JB’s for the $360 they were doing, they’re now willing to match Telstra’s $299 price for me when it arrives, thanks to the “pick up in store” option.

Paul Walker

Good news. Are they selling the Telstra or Optus version?


Telstra, and the bloatware can be uninstalled in matter of seconds. Running a Telstra sim, wifi only, and it’s working like a dream.


Arthur Koulianos

What is the shelf life of these tablets from a Telco’s perspective, I mean do they have a shelf life long or shorter than a phone. There is all this talk that they are hurting PC/laptop sales but taking the train to work every day I can’t see the trains full of people using them. I am personally tempted to buy one but will hold out another 12 months.


Buying one of these Telstra Galaxy Tabs would be OK, since they ship with a usable version of Android.
I’d rather being able to get an Optus version at this price though, but sometimes beggars can’t be choosers.


Can anyone suggest what the best experience re a custom rom is for the tab.


Buzz, suggestion for new tags for this and the other clearout sales stories running: clearout sale, runout sale, end-of-life.


Sorely tempted to nab one for use as an ebook reader.


Just bought one. What the hell at $299 how can you go wrong. I went into a Telstra shop today to see if I could get it at the store rather than the net. Anyway the person who served me wasn’t aware of the $299 deal, did not believe me, then went to check the net. She came back looking pale and said “… that is way below our cost price”.


You can order online and select to pickup in store…. or so I’ve been told

Paul Walker

What’s the Telstra bloat-ware like on these? Is there a generic firmware available at XDA?


anyone know is it unlocked to any sim? can i insert optus sim out of box?


This will be the telstra version, so its 850/2100 for 3g. optus/voda is 900/2100, when using ‘3g’ via optus/voda isn’t going to get the best coverage. If you don’t need a lot of data and want to go data only, then look at the 10gb prepaid plan, costs $150 and last for 365 days. Its on the telstras website.




I am a telstra dealer and sell the galaxy tab, I just put a voda sim and a boost sim in one and it is working fine. Not locked.


So if you were using this on a Vodaphone sim in the Capital cities (mainly Sydney) it would be perfectly fine, but if you leave you are going to get very slow data but still retain phone/sms/email access ?


Hi Nick, you are correct. In the metro areas you will have access to the 2100mhz 3g network, outside this you will fall back to 2g network.

As long as the user is aware the telstra one has this feature, then thats fine. The same goes for the reverse, buy an optus version and putting a nextg sim in will mean only access to telstra 2100mhz network in the city and 2g outside the metro.

Advise, buy the right model for the plan you wish to use.


Not quite correct, Voda is rolling out a heap of 850MHz sites so this will work well on their 850Mhz network, i’ve been using a 850MHz NextG phone on the Vodafail network and it’s solved a lot of connectivity and speed problems they are having on the other frequencies.

I’ve found that you get much better data speeds using 850MHz on the voda network.

Corey Harmon

Ungh. I just realized I was following an AUSTRALIAN android news service. I was going to buy one of these and realized I couldn’t. No shipping to states.


Don’t you guys have all the ridiculous deals and phones before the rest of the world? You’re hardly missing out


C’mon, you guys have almost all latest stuff on the first hand. Xoom is there for 2 months and we’re still waiting for it.


Get the xoom!!

Were all waiting in Australia for its release. Come on telstra, clear the sammy tab out and bring in the xoom!

Buzz Moody

I’ll be getting both to review next week, if anyone was wondering/cares.


Lucky you!!! Can’t wait to see the review on the telstra xoom…. and the big question, the price!

Benedict James

Wow. That’s technically better value than the Huawei X5 Crazy John has for sale.


Bought one, pick up next week.


You can choose to pick it up from one of the Telstra stores.

Craig Durkee

Love my ipad but had to order at this price 🙂

HTC desire up for sale now I can use this for my childish tinkering

Paul Walker

Shame its 850/2100MHz and doesn’t support 900MHz for use on Optus/Voda.


Try Typing the following into the phone app. * # * # 1 9 7 3 2 8 6 4 0 # * # * Then select [1] Debug Screen -> [8] Phone Control -> [7] Network Control -> [2] Band Selection From there select, WCDMA band and see which bands have a * next to it. They are the bands the device supports. I find I can select everything (one at a time) in the Combi screen except 1700 (but who cares for this one …) Remember to use MENU button > Back to go back in the options.… Read more »


You guys need to give credit to your tippers else they will stop tipping you!!


Totally agree with u. Have found ausdroid guilty of this on a number of times.

Lucas Burnett

Edit: I see Buzz has already added a “Thanks” however, if we were tipped via our contact form, this was not where I first saw this. A Twitterer by the name of bosco08 was my original source. level380, if you are are this person, again I apologise.

Comment noted, My fault, I did forget to credit my tipper. will update post now. I was tipped off via Twitter. Apologies everyone.

Dylan Waghorne

better than anything else at the price


Awesome Device. Definately worth every cent and more. Can’t wait until the new Galaxy Tabs start rolling out.