Now that the last of the Android 2.2 updates for the Samsung Galaxy S have been pushed out to Telstra customers (who were the last to receive it), Samsung have uploaded the User Manual of the Galaxy S that’s suited for Android 2.3 “Gingerbread”. What does this mean? Well, inquisitive reader, this means that the Android 2.3 update for the Galaxy S is coming, not soon, but it’s coming. To put this into perspective, the original release date for the 2.2 update was September ’10 and the last update went out to Telstra customers about two weeks ago. So don’t expect this update, which has already been leaked, get you too excited because there’s a long wait ahead. Each of the carriers have been contacted, but to save you the time I imagine their responses will be “We’ll announce more when we hear it”.

Source: Samsung Support - Galaxy S i9000.
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For all the people complaining about samsung and the release of there updates, keep in mind that the mobile carriers such as telstra and optus are the ones to be complaing about. Gingerbread is out, but the carriers have to test the update to suit certain aspects of the phones they are released for. All you ‘tech’ guys should know this. How many of you have a optus phone, without ootus crap all the way through it? Makes sense doesnt it….


Its out just download it and flash it via odin

Oz Boy

How about this, Samsung release the non carrier update to everyone say 2 weeks after they released the update to carriers. If the carriers want the user to use their update then this will put a little pressure on the carrier to get it out asap or loose part of the smart phone desktop real estate that they all crave so much.


Wow man what about about us samsung fascinate users though Verizon? We still don’t even have froyo yet, I hate Verizon so f*cking much it ridiculous


Some European countries have 2.3.3 which was released on the 15th/16th which explains why the Sammy site shows a manual for it. samfirmware has JVB up.


Meh, I’m already on 2.3.3 XXJVB. Gingerbread is awesome and runs great on the SGS.

Not going to wait for Samsung and Optus to get their **** together fro the release.


Always the f&$king way with samsung,.it’s not a phone for impatient people or who “need” the latest FW
Cumon samsung give ur customers what we paid for,for $700+ Aus for galaxyS we deserve constant updates,instead of tomoro tomoro tomoro,which with samsung never comes,believe it wen I see it on shitty KIES


Compare it to motrolla and htc and you will actually see samsung does it better. Its optus, telstra and voda that delay everything to put their crapware on it. If you bought it outright you will have the update by next week. If from a carrier then wait a few months.


Agreed, it is not Samsung’s first, our Aussie telcos need to get there act together. Gingerbread for Galaxy S has already been released in Europe, this actually makes the Galaxy S one of the first handset on the market to be updated to 2.3


If you take a look at how many devices are running 2.3 at the moment, Samsung is actually doing quite well for themselves. They took a little while to get the 2.2 update out, but most of the delay for Australians was caused by the carriers. If you flashed the update yourself, the update timing was quite reasonable. Is there anything drastic in 2.3 that you utterly need? It is a minor, minor update over 2.2. You buy a phone for what it is when you buy it – new features are a bonus, not a requirement. If there is… Read more »

Justin Harvey

gingerbread is already rolling out across europe can be to long till we get it…. ok i take that back, with our carriers it might be awhile

Justin Harvey

gingerbread is already rolling out across europe can be to long till we get it…. ok i take that back, with our carriers it might be awhile

Ilija Vrtaric

not only that, we are even yet to have the 2.2.1 update, so Gingerbread update….. I’d give it another 6 months before we get anything, if we’re lucky!