We received this little tip yesterday and decided to investigate further, and what we found was right on the money. It seems during a live chat with Dell, a reader of the site — Justin — was able to find out from the Dell representative that the Dell Streak 7″ is definitely coming to Australia and that it’s being picked up by Optus. We have been able to confirm this by speaking with the Dell online chat ourselves — not once but twice — in addition to Justin’s informative little conversation. Dates and pricing were unknown at the time we spoke to the reps, however we were told that it should ship with Honeycomb 3.0, though it was not a guarantee. Hit the break for the screen shot of Justin’s live chat with Dell.

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there is a rom that is running 3.1 on it so if its $300 like it is in the states im in

Julian Pinget

from what i understand it’s the res that’s letting it down – as it’s a phone res, honeycomb reverts ui layout to phone-style (pretty much defeating the purpose of honeycomb)

i’d sit this one out…