At last years Google I/O one of the cool things displayed was the Parrot AR.Drone Quadricopter. An Android application was promised, and now over a year later we finally have an Android app available in the Android market as well as an SDK available for developers to create new games and augmented reality apps.

The Quadricopter requires a Wifi B/G(No N compatability apparently) network to operate, and if it loses contact with its controller, you take your hands off the controls or you receive a call, it automatically goes into a hover mode, you can control the unit from your phone/tablet with the Quadricopter streaming video from 1 of 2 on-board cameras.

This looks like great fun, however a quick look around Australian stores listed as suppliers shows that it sells around the $300-350 mark. Marketing video from Parrot is embedded after the break.

Source: Android Police.