Welcome to the second roundup of Samsung Galaxy Nexus in Australia news — you can read the first roundup here. Here we’ll be setting out what we know is happening with the Galaxy Nexus in Australia, such as rumours, solid news, release dates, prices etc.. all that good stuff! So let’s just jump into the second roundup shall we.


Telstra is the only carrier that we’ve got more information about regarding the Galaxy Nexus. Phil, one of our excellent writers, spotted what he believed to be boxes for the Galaxy Nexus at the rear of a Telstra store in South Australia. When Phil contacted the @Telstra team on Twitter, he got the following response which gives little away:

Online retailers..

MobiCity announced via Twitter that they’re expecting unlocked Galaxy Nexus stock to arrive on the 23rd of this month at the earliest. Asian and Canadian Galaxy Nexus stock is expected to be available on December 3rd so that’s when unlocked stock will be available for certain.

Looks like if you’re just going to have to keep waiting for a more solid date, but at least you’ll most likely get it quicker through MobiCity than through the carriers.

If you’re looking to buy your device outright from an online retailer, we’ve put together a nice table of where you’re better off getting the Galaxy Nexus from. Check it out!

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Ryan Saffer

come on optus! my contract expires in a couple of weeks… announce it already! i cant wait anymore

Wentao Qian

may come around the holidays.


I wish google.com/phone still existed.. there would be a lot of happy Galaxy Nexus owners right now with phones in their hands.

Lee Davis

Google has been outstanding at imitating Apple in all areas, but they still cannot imitate Apple’s ability to launch products well. Not just Nexus this week, look at Google Music too! I want my Nexus!!


Until Google can make a worldwide, all-network release shortly after an announcement like apple do, they can never truly compete. So frustrating not knowing if or when you can ever get one – by the time it finally gets here it’ll be months after announcement and we’ll be talking about the next one!

Dhruv Naik

Completely agree!!! I don’t want an iPhone but commend Apple’s ability to keep their phone completely under wraps until launch, with release dates specified and then a swift roll-out within 2-3 weeks. As for Google, the phone was leaked months in advance, making all those who wanted a new phone more eager to get their hands on one. Then it gets launched and no mention of the release date. Now we are past a month of its release date and Australia or USA or anyone besides UK don’t know when the phone is out apart from retailers estimating a date!!! WHAT THE?… Read more »


Umm, Google already bettered Apple + every other mobile manufacturer + every carrier in 2010 when they sold Nexus One via Google’s Online Store.

Dylan Xavier

So Phil didnt plan on taking a pic of those boxes? or slipping the guys behind the counter a bit of cash for a shot and may be a play? ;P