This morning I came across vscreens, an application and website developed by Sony Ericsson that allows you to display photos and videos from your Android device — as long as it’s running Eclair (2.1) or above. For vscreens to work you must first download the application (market link) on your device and open in a PC browser. With the application you then scan the QRcode on the website and it will connect the two devices using the power of the internet. You then select the media you wish to display from the device and it will slowly but surely appear on your browser. It’s fairly neat if you ask me.

Images are compressed and JPEG artifacts can be seen on some larger sized images, though it’s too be expected as Sony Ericsson push vscreens out of beta. Videos took quite a long time for them to be sent to the browser but worked none-the-less. Check it out for an easy way to share your photos and videos.

Source: Sony Ericsson.
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Vijay Alapati

Gd 1…..but DLNA apps works much better and faster. Like iMediaShare and Skifta
is there any difference between these 2 methods

Vijay Alapati

sorry…..this works via 3g as well….. 🙂

Buzz Moody

Indeed. It’s not a fast as DLNA and stuff, but it’s cool none-the-less.


Imo, Allshare is top notch for this over DLNA


Buzz, 2.1 wasn’t called Froyo. It was Eclair. 

Buzz Moody

Ooops, I’m high & drunk.