Owners of the Samsung Nexus S from Vodafone should be seeing the Android 4.0.4 update being pushed out to their devices today. We’ve had multiple reports form users that the update was a great success. Props to Vodafone for pushing out the update in a reasonable amount of time. Let us know how you go, down in the comments below (successful rhyme).

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Mark Brash

Since the update I have found it has been rebooting on its own about thrice a day. Anyone else have the same thing?

scott cunnington

Totally agree Smarties and AAA. The texting bug where on deleting or forwarding a specific message in a thread only to have a totally different message deleted or presented for forwarding. This new version makes me regret now having an Android phone, whilst previous version was a pleasure to use.


Hate this new update… Anyone know how to restore the previous one??


Sorry to dissent but… I am not a happy camper.    I have been using Linux exclusively for 7 years so naturally went to an android phone, believing the Linux base would offer more choices. But this download changed the whole look and feel of my phone. Icons and fonts seem to be smaller and inconsistently sized, screen real estate has been reduced and one app (polyclock) now does not offer the widget I used before, making it essentially useless to me. I don’t like the colour scheme: I would be quite happy to go back to the old user… Read more »


big problem, no vodafone network found and there is a “android.process.acore” stop running poping up all the time. plz help me


got update this morning, all seems to work fine, have to wait and see about battery life. like the new look and some new features too.


I found that I had to change all mobile numbers in the contact list to international, +61#####, for text messages to come in under the contacts name.  Otherwise they were only coming through as a phone number.


Here is my experience. Updated to ics 4.04 and have to recharge Nexus S every 5 hours. On gingerbread it lasted for 8 hours. After following the suggestion of disabling google+ in manage apps I have a battery that lasts as long as under gingerbread.


Just tried the same thing.Hopefully your right.Thanks

Marine Adamyan

They say Instagram is going to become something huge and immensely fun under Facebook’s wing! There are already a few concepts here:  http://bit.ly/IedePg


Worked fine . Only now it destroys my battery life. I used to get a full day,now it dies after 6hours. Only happened the since the update was complete


I wondered what the hell was going on, updates are performed through the internet modem which was going hell for leather and I was not on the the internet. Tried to turn the phone on but would not so removed the battery and replaced it, booted just fine and has been working fine ever since but Vodafone how about some warning eh ! just a message will do in advance


My nexus s hanged for 12 hours while displaying “Updating Contacts”. Waited for 12 hours… Could not get it do anything so pulled battey. Phone restarted OK but now contacts is completely not operating. Cannot get a dialing pad. Can receive calls and dial out from Nitro desk Touchdown (paid app). But this update has effectively rendered my phone useless. Very unhappy


It has Killed my Battery Life, worse than an iPhone….. and the answer I get from tech support is… not their problem and I should contact google….


Try a full factory reset. My Nexus S i9023 on 4.0.4 has no battery issues. Maybe your battery is dying?


Got mine at 5.00am this morning – loving it !


 I was also getting Error 7 when trying to flash from 3.0.3 to 4.0.4 17MB update so I learned about this: NOTE some people reboot between step 3 and 4 but I didnt bother. There is a way to force the OTA update notification. Takes a few attempts, but it’s so quick and easy. Step 1: Got to Settings->Apps->All Step 2: Scroll down to “Google Services Framework” and tap it. Step 3: Click “Clear Data” (this doesn’t seem to change anything, except the time at which the phone last checked for an update) Step 4: Back to Settings->About Phone->System Updates->… Read more »


Thanks man!
I only tried no more than 7 times to get the notification!
BTW I use a vodafone Nexus S and use an Optus SIM card.


worked…2nd try….


Any idea how you get an OTA update if you’re not on vodaphone? I’ve got the 4.0.3 stock recovery so I can’t flash the manual image. (Error 7)

Daniel Tyson

If you purchased the Vodafone Nexus S even if you`re not with Vodafone you will still receive the update. The carrier targets the handset identifier but will sometimes stagger the update so you may just have to keep checking for the updated over the next few days.

Milty C

I got a nexus s from mobicity (pretty much when it first came out) and if i recall correctly it came with t-mobile simcard . Does anyone know when i could expect the 4.0.4 update. If more info is needed let me know. Thanks in advance.


I have the same Nexus S, I did not receive an OTA update so I just flashed the 17MB update over 4.0.3 and it worked fine.


The notification was there when I got up at 7am this morning. Pressed install, and when I got out of the shower it was done. Worked fine. The new Gmail app is fantastic, screenshots are handy (Power + Volume Down) and I like being able to use the camera directly from the lock screen.


Did you need to back up your SMS messages and contacts saved in the phone? I’m afraid they will get erased when I proceed with the upgrade.


Is this update only for phones that have 4.0.3 installed on their Nexus S? Mine is still on 2.3.6.


Mine was running 2.3.something, and it worked.


Still have not received the OTA Notification on my Nexus S I9023 (GRK39F/XXKF1) build. 


Got the update at around 9am this morning.. Went through just fine. Was interesting as only yesterday Vodafone posted on their blog that 4.0.4 was still in testing phases.

Darren White

I have a Mobicity Galaxy Nexus and I go the attached screen last night. Nothing seemed to happen so I push start and it’s just the same 4.0.2 version. How long should it take over wi-fi or am I just inpatient.


I think the 4.0.4 update mentioned in this article is for the Nexus S only. Galaxy Nexus should get it in very near future.

Darren White

I’m just a frustrated Galaxy Nexus that sees an update and wants it NOW…..


That’s fair enough! 

If you have a GSM model Galaxy Nexus you may be able to use the google images here:


If you are not familiar with manual updates, I’d probably read up first to make sure these images work on your device. Good luck.


Beware if upgrading a i9023 (Vodafone) Nexus S from 4.0.3 as the screen will go black for a few mins during the update. Probably due to the recovery bug in 4.0.3. Be patient and it will eventually reboot into 4.0.4.


will people on 4.03 get this update?


Yep, my wife’s i9023 on (manually installed) 4.0.3 got the OTA for 4.0.4 this morning. Not sure if it will if it’s rooted or unlocked though.


thanks pete. did the same manual update to my phone, look forward to 4.04 and a longer lasting battery!

Damon Lewis

ha, and the Galaxy Nexus is still stuck on 4.0.1. Nice work Vodafone.


To be fair to Vodafone, they say that Samsung are still preparing the GN update for submission.


Installing the update right now