Just days after one of the longest-standing Android annoyances was fixed, Google have done it again, addressing an issue that had garnered over 1600 stars on the Android bug tracker.

The folks over at Android Police appear to have gotten their hands on an unreleased version of Gmail from a system dump of the soon-to-be announced LG Nexus, and it contains a feature that Android users have been demanding since the beginning of time: pinch to zoom!

Also introduced in Gmail 4.2 is a swipe gesture which allows you to archive or delete a message, depending on the way you’ve set it up. Note that the Gmail version number is not to be confused with the (allegedly) upcoming Android 4.2, as this unreleased version of Gmail was running on Android 4.1.

Update: the APK has been released! Note: you do need to be rooted in order to install it.

Update 2: Google requested that Android Police take down the APK, and they have done the right thing and complied.

You can see the new features in action in AP’s video below:

Source: Android Police.
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    Conan Thorogood

    unrelated: this site redesign is superb.


    Pinch to Zoom about time!