In Telstra’s most recent public announcement of software updates, they’ve informed users for a range of devices that major updates for their devices are expected to be rolled out before the end of this year.

The Samsung Galaxy S II 4G “Ice Cream Sandwich” update is expected to see Telstra approval on November 26th, with roll out soon after. The Samsung Galaxy Nexus’s update to “Jelly Bean” (Android 4.1, not 4.2) has been delayed and is now expected to begin testing on Friday. On the final Samsung front, the Galaxy S III’s update to “Jelly Bean” (again, 4.1, not 4.2) has been delayed after Samsung found a major bug in the final software. Software testing will have to be redone by Telstra, so expect a few more weeks there.

The HTC One XL’s update to 4.1 is currently being tested by Telstra, and they’re expecting this to go smoothly for a launch before the end of the year. The One S’s update to 4.1 has been completely delayed until early 2013, which shows HTC has little interest in their current range of devices.

Finally, the Motorola RAZR HD is having its Android 4.1 update tested by Telstra at the moment, and roll out is expected before the end of the year. The RAZR M won’t see a major update until early 2013.

Source: Telstra.
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I have learn’t my lesson, never buy an android handset from a Telco, just get one from Google. That way you don’t end up waiting 4 months for what is already considered a stable release.

James Bryant

I hacked ICS onto my brothers GS2 4G a couple of weeks ago, he loves it – everything works perfectly according to him, so I am at a loss to explain why Telstra takes so long to make it happen. I am just a guy with a bit higher than average tech knowledge and an affinity with Google, so wtf is wrong with “engineers” at the telcos??


Pretty sure I’ll have 4.2.1 on my Yakju Telstra supplied GNex before they have 4.1 … Switching to Yakju best decision ever…Anyone know what the Telstra GNex are going from? Did they ever get 4.0.4?


Have to say, 4.1.2 on my S2 is sweet 🙂 though battery life took a bit of a hit.

Sean Royce

Just buy a bigger battery off ebay? Or a couple of normal spares.


Where’s the Galaxy S2 NextG/3G ?

Andreas Koepke

The whole point of getting Nexus devices was so I would no longer have to wait for carriers and manufacturers to release (or most of the time NOT release) updates.

Now I am just waiting on Google to get the bugs out and Cyanogenmod to merge the 4.2 AOSP code in with theirs. All reports is that 4.2 AOSP is a mess!


There is a leak of the Telstra 4.1 firmware for the Razr HD on the droid razr forums. I’ve installed it on mine and it works perfectly


Is it fair to assume that since Telstra thought that the update was fine and they had sent it back to Samsung, only for Samsung to then find a bug, that the bug on the GS3 is in fact Telstra’s fault?? If this is the case, considering this is currently the world’s best selling phone, wouldn’t it be prudent of Telstra to sort their development team out so as to not infuriate a large proportion of their customers? Otherwise, customers should be allowed to root their devices and flash ROMs without voiding the warranty and take the onus of updating… Read more »

Greg Bell

Wow, just now “testing” 4.1 for the Galaxy Nexus? Buying phones through telcos really sucks.

Timothy TaaDow Bouton

Meanwhile the rest of us are rocking 4.2 on Telstra GN…..good game guys good game


This is why it’s nice to get a Google phone. Sure we may miss a month now and then but at least we can boast about having the latest 😉

Johnny Anon

Galaxy Nexus Toolkit. That is all.