Nexus 4 - Play Store

Looks like the rumours were true albeit an hour later due to the vagaries of time zones but two and a half months after they initially sold out within minutes/hours of launching back in November, the Nexus 4 is now back in the Australian Google Play Store. The 8GB is available for $349 with a $19.99 shipping charge and the 16GB is also available but at $399 with a $19.99 shipping charge. Shipping is listed at 2-3 Weeks for both devices.

The only existing ‘official’ Nexus 4 accessory the Nexus 4 Bumper is still not back in stock as yet but we’re watching.

Grab them all while they’re hot or you’ll be paying $496 from Harvey Norman tomorrow.

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Whenever I try to purchase any device through the play store it keeps saying it won’t ship to my Australian address (thats attached to my wallet account). Really can’t work out why.


OMG… My 16GB LG Nexus 4 has just shipped… I ordered less than 48 hours ago! Wonder how long it will take to get here… GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!


Just got a shipping confirmation email and tracking number WOOOOOOO 🙂


I’m going from an S2 to an N4, I just heard N4 has micro sim as oppose to a standard sim I’m using now. Would I just go to my carrier shop and ask for a change to a micro sim? If yes, would they charge me for it?

James Sagi

16Gb now listed as “temporarily out of stock”. damn. 8gb still available – an OK size if you dont plan to put much music or games or videos on it (i don’t think its worth it though)

Chris Rowe

Bought the 16GB from HN. Let’s race and see who delivers first!

Chris Rowe

I should specify, HN online. All my local stores were already out of stock


Can anyone tell me why on my gs2 anytime i search the play store for nexus 4, i only get software matches in the app, books and movies section? Is there a hardware section where the N4 can be found? In addition can somebody plz provide a URL to the nexus 4 link on Google Play. Thanx


You have to do it on the’s play store, not through the app


Same experience as last time.

“Sorry, there was an error. Try again later.”

And then, eventually:

“Temporarily out of stock.”

Honestly, this whole situation is total balls. I expected better.


3:23pm QLD AEST… “Temporarily Out of Stock”


16gb is out of stock again


16GB is now listed as out of stock.


Google have now updated the Play Store with “Temporarily Out of Stock” on the 16GB model!


“You’ve made a purchase on Google Play. You will not be charged until your order has shipped.”

I checked my account and was charged anyway. Anyone got experience this too?


i got the exact same thing now im concerned ill get charged twice?


Either it is shipping or they did a pre process to confirm you had credit. They won’t charge twice


It’s not actually charged. It is referred to as Authorisation Only. It means that they make sure your card is able to give them the money but doesn’t actually take it until it ships.


Ah i got it, tnx mate.


Well you should be charged again now, they are shipping today.

vijay alapati

Those u were getting error….don’t worry, Play store will soon get white nexus 🙂

Ben Lee

Congrats to those who finally got a chance to buy one of these great phones. You’ll love it once you get it.

Jason Keenan

I wanted to buy a Nexus 4, badly. 2.5 months ago. At this point I find it hard to justify to myself spending the money on it (even if it’s very reasonably priced). Half the reason is that when we’re so far in to the development cycle and should be seeing the next gen sooner rather than later. Other half of the reason is after all this stuffing around I just don’t want LG/Google to get my money for this device I’m disappointed not to get one as this was to be my first nexus device but I think at… Read more »

Mahmoud Baghdadi

I bought a 16GB this morning around 8:30 A.M Brissie time!


An error occurred while processing your purchase. Please try again later. out of stock again


Processing error for the 16gb so got the 8gb instead and no error there.


can’t settle with a 8gb 🙁 would regret it very soon


I’m having the same dilemma for my wife. She has a HTC Incredible S now w/ 8GB and managing fine but w/ a better phone I know she’ll use it more. #decisionsdecision!


found that if you retried after the first error with the 16gb that it worked. Not sure if it was because of entering a billing address or just the first time. Give it another go and cancel the 8Gb if you really wanted the 16Gb

Chris Rowe

Same processing error here guys. If I can’t get one ordered today or tomorrow I’ll probably go SGS3 too. Don’t want to though.

Michael Quinn

went out of stock then back in stock…


Yep im getting the same message…An error occurred while processing your purchase. Please try again later. Thanks again google. i have now finally given up on owning a nexus 4…SG3 here i come


shows in stock but cant buy it. error occured while processing your purchase…. shame

Roger Osborne

getting an error myself now when trying to “proceed” at the checkout. try again later !


what does everyone think about saving 50 bucks and buying an 8gig, i only use a few apps, take pictures and browse the net? how much actual storage do you get with 8gig? 🙂


Given that I’ve only used less than 4GB on my Galaxy Nexus, I ordered the 8GB version.


once you take a few videos the space goes no where.

I think most would regret it

Ben Lee

I got an 8gb when they first released, and it’s still got 4gb available. That said, any video viewing and big games I do on the Nexus 7. Plus with G+ pictures sync straight up to the cloud in original quality, and video too. So I can delete ‘should’ I run out of room. Never understand the clamour over needing 16gb.


Anyone here think play store will have them tomorrow ?


Big smiles here… Just successfully ordered a 16GB LG Nexus 4… I think I will stick to the “buy a new Nexus every other generation” rule from now on, which means my next Nexus will be whatever the Nexus 6 turns out to be… Can’t wait to unpack my Nexus 4 when it arrives! Might check out eBay to see if I can find a good fitted Gel case…


I’ll be doing that as well except I’ll be skipping the Nexus 4. Currently have a Galaxy Nexus. 🙂


I currently have a Samsung Nexus S 16GB… Great phone which has served me well.


Had it too. Was my first Android phone as well. :’)


OMG… My 16GB LG Nexus 4 has shipped in less than 48 hours… Wonder how long it will take to get here… GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!


Yay, an end to profiteering scalpers!

vijay alapati

“Uh oh. There was a problem. We couldn’t start your purchase because of a technical issue.” Cannot Order :'(

Daniel Tyson

Still showing as taking orders, try a reboot maybe?


Finally… Time to retire the Droid Razr… had been waiting for a Nexus for ages…


Got one as well, maybe delivery happens sooner? 🙂 Fingers crossed


Got one for myself as well and one for the wife. No bumper though which means pay additional shipping if you want to buy them later. Maybe Harvey Norman has them???


Finally have one ordered. Happy I didn’t pay too much for it elsewhere, patience pays off!


nice to see the 10 is also now on temporarily out of stock


Yeah ive been waiting a while for one. Been very tempted to just get one off kogan. But ive been reading that a few people have had to return theirs due to bad light bleed. Might be much easier to do it through google than kogan.


Just ordered one!!!


bought another for the misses. time she retired the faithful nexus s.

Mahmoud Baghdadi

2-3 weeks! I’m starting to hate Google!


I am overseas at the moment but will be returning in two days. Is there any way to order it while overseas? When I try to visit the page I get “Sorry Devices is not available in your country yet” – Seems like I’ll miss out again =/.


You could update your Google Wallet details and then get a friend or family member to log in and purchase. Having said that, there must be a heck of a lot of stock out there if they’ve been able to restock US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Spain and Oz!! plus all the retailers. So I think you’ll be fine


Snagged 2, I couldn’t deal with the 8gb I got in November and had to get the 16gb!

Michael Quinn

Just got one! finally was originally going to get one, then got a note 2 and then i broke that 🙁