
The latest update to the official Android documentation leads us to think that we could soon be seeing an OTA update to Android 4.2.2 for the Nexus 4.

Aside from a typo in the build number which reads ‘JDP39’ should read ‘JDQ39’, the interesting part is that the build number is followed by android-4.2.2_r1 for the Nexus 4.

If you’re a lucky Nexus 4 owner keep your eyes peeled for an update, or if you’re especially keen starting mashing that “Check for System Update” button!

Thanks: Peter.
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David Anderton

I really really really hope this update adds USB OTG!

Graham Bae

As far as I know the N4’s lack of USB OTG support is a hardware limitation. I think the USB port can’t supply the 5V needed for host mode.


lol. Woke up to the update on my N4 this morning 🙂

David Anderton

Yeh I heard this too but I’m hoping its not true…


How keen are we if we regularly clear Google Services Framework and then check for updates ??? 😉

Graham Bae

4 keen!

Sean Royce

You’d think all the nexus devices would be updated at the same time.

Graham Bae

You’d think a lot of things when it comes to Android updates, but alas…

Sean Royce

That’s why I’m most likely going to switch to BB10 or WP8

Graham Bae

Whoa, easy there tiger!

David Anderton

WP8 I can understand, but BB are you crazy man!

Sean Royce

Nothing wrong with BB man, I give everything a chance, no need to be close minded.