
Don’t think for a second that Google are giving up on their own Nexus hardware now that HTC and Samsung have stepped up and announced Nexus-like versions of their flagships devices. At least that’s what Android’s senior vice president Sundar Pichai told every at D11 that’s currently taking place over in the US.

“The idea with Nexus is to push on hardware as well, so that will continue.”

All this means is that Google will continue to work with hardware partners to create their own Nexus devices like the current Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10. Could this mean we’ll see Google working more with lower-tier manufacturers from now on? I guess we’ll find out in the coming months.

Source: The Verge.
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Who is developing hardware for the premium stats, stock os and international 4G community?

I can’t be the only consumer in this category

Alexei Watson

I’m with ya on that – I want something with top end specs, LTE that works in australia, and the on screen buttons of nexus devices.

The HTC one nexus experience looks like it comes so close – but wrong LTE frequencies for aussies, and the button lay out.. double tap for multitask? erm, no thanks.


Buzz looks like a chick.


“Don’t think for a second…”

Too late, I already thought it. 🙁