Google Now
As seen above, normally the images in Google Now are obscured by the search box or are replaced entirely now by the daily Google Doodle. But if you’ve ever wanted to see the full resolution of the wonderful illustrations from the backgrounds in Google Now, then now is your chance. Reddit user SameOlE tracked down the artist behind the pictures and revealed that they were created by designer Brent Couchman.

Brent has made four of the Google Now backgrounds – Beach Night, Forest Night, Mountains Day and Plains Day – available on his Flickr page for people to enjoy. On his Dribble page in an entry from May 22nd he promises that he will upload more of the images soon.

The images are pretty cool and if you like them check out his other work, which is also on display on his Flickr page or check out his website where he has some of his work for sale. We can only hope that he uploads the rest of the Google Now images at some stage for us all to enjoy.

Source: Flickr.
Via: Reddit.