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If your one of the many thousand Android users who use WhatsApp, then you may have noticed that an update has become available within the Play Store which brings a more refined experience and feel to the app, but also a new cool feature – one press record-and-send voice messages or snippets.

Now whilst this really isn’t anything new given the multitude of apps that are available within the Play Store that can do more or less the same thing, WhatsApp have been working hard to further enhance their service to masses and it shows.

WhatsApp has now removed length limits for recorded messages and plays audio within the app instead of opening a media player with playback to begin and automatically switch from the users handset speakers to the earpiece or headphones when the device is held to your ear. The mic icon will turn blue when recipients have listened to spoken voice messages or missives.

The update is available now through the Play Store if you wish to have a look at it further.

Do you currently use WhatsApp? Do you like the new features they have brought the the app, tell us your thoughts in the comments below…

Source: EngadgetGoogle Play Store.
Via: WhatsApp.
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Rajat Malhotra

I am an Indian settled in Australia. English is not my first language, but clearly I am better at it that you are. And (I am assuming, so I may be wrong) that you are brought up in Australia, if not also born here.


You’re also an arsehole, and banned from commenting on our site in future.


So a guy who corrects your grammar gets banned for doing so?

Sujay Vilash

Since Alex was able to get his point across quite well, does his grammar really matter? Read the online newspapers and you will see a lot of professional journalists have bad grammar as well. And how many people do you see writing posts and use the word “of” instead of have because that is what they say sound like. Will Malhotra go around and correct them too ? I guess not. Alex and Ausdroid was an easy target so he took his cheap shot. I never understand why people come to tech sites to pick on grammar and/or spelling. Is… Read more »


Sorry boys, but I don’t agree with your views. I did read Rajat’s views and I too think he was a little rude in at least one of them. But in this world of “SMS lingo”, should written English go down the drain? I personally think Rajat did a brilliant job in proof reading the article, something which should have been done before the article got published/uploaded. Besides last I checked, Australia gives every person the right to express him/herself. With this right comes the freedom of speech which must not be curtailed. And for heaven’s sake, this Rajat’s comments… Read more »

Sujay Vilash

Mate, this line of thinking is accepted for “professional” journos. But, everyone at Ausdroid are reporting, for our benefit, in their own time. In other words, giving up their family time. What I was alluding to was that we should cut them some slack as far as their grammar, spelling or anything else is concerned. If you read the articles, you will get the gist of what is being reported without having to be rude and pious. As @kungfutigerr:disqus mentioned, Rajat’s posts are always rude and condescending. But you know what, I don’t see him putting his hand up to… Read more »


Rajat posted about 5 comments originally, all a bit rude, especially as a lot of the writers here are doing this in their own time.

I think that the quality of the reporting is exceptional, and that shows in the growth of this site over the years.