Screenshot 2013-10-11 at 1.15.43 AM
If you’ve grown tired of the current camera app on ChromeOS, then you’re not alone, Craig Tumblison has noted that a new Camera packaged App is in the works and you can actually try it out now.

The app brings a whole host of effects like Big Head and Big Jaw modes as well as colour effects like Grayscale and Sepia. The camera app did not actually work on the Chromebook Pixel camera but did work with a webcam I plugged in.

If you want to give the app a go, then on his Google+ page, Craig has outlined the steps on how to download and install the App from GitHub. Note that the App will install side by side with the current Camera App on your ChromeOS device.

  1. Download the .crx from the Camera App Github Page.
  2. Visit chrome://extensions/ and enable developer mode (upper right).
  3. Drag and drop the .crx file from your Downloads folder on to the extensions page.
  4. Launch and enjoy!
  5. It’s a pretty cool app and adds some pretty good functionality, you can capture images from it quite easily and there is a gallery feature as well to view your photos.

    Check it out and see what you think.

    Source: Craig Tumblison.