CalendarGoogle has recently pushed out an update to its Google Calendar application which, on its face, introduces nothing new. The changelog, indicating that the update contains only “bug fixes and performance improvements”, actually hides a simple, yet fairly cool, little change.

Previously, when receiving a Google Calendar event invitation in your Gmail, you could click on the Yes, Maybe or No links, but it didn’t exactly respond; rather, users were taken to the Google Calendar application from where they could then respond, before returning to Gmail. This didn’t seem particularly intuitive. As Ausdroid uses Google Calendar quite a bit internally to set meetings for the Podcast and other events, we can all attest to this annoyance.


Now, when you click on a Yes, Maybe or No link from the Gmail rendered Calendar invite, you’ll receive a toast notification indicating your response, and that’s it. Done. Google has likely added a hook to the Calendar allowing it to “listen for” clicks on these particular links so that it can remove the unnecessary step of launching Calendar, clicking a response, and returning to Gmail.

The best news is that this update has already rolled out, so you should already have it on your Android. If not, you can check for an update on the Play Store to grab it.

Google Calendar
Google Calendar
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
Source: Android Police.
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    Any good looking monthy widgets that also show some details or have a design outside of a colored circle?

    Bought “Today” and not impressed…

    Paul McManus

    I was wondering why this wasn’t working then realized HTC has removed the Google calendar and put their own borked version of it on my One.


    You can download Google Calendar from the Play Store though.. and I recommend doing so!