This morning saw the launch of the hotly anticipated Samsung Galaxy S5, it’s bigger, faster and has more sensors on it than ever before, like the 200 Million customers who’ve already purchased a Samsung Galaxy S series product, there’s millions more waiting to get this latest phone, so we’ve spoken with local carriers here in Australia to see who will be carrying the Samsung Galaxy S5.

Virgin Mobile

Virgin Mobile has advised that they will indeed be carrying the Samsung Galaxy S5, but have no immediate information regarding pricing and plans for release. They are also looking at the Gear 2, Gear 2 Neo and Gear Fit and will advise if they are carrying these products as we approach launch.


Optus has advised that they will be ranging the Galaxy S5, while they don’t have pricing or availability information available just yet, customers can register their details for more information at :


Telstra will definitely be getting the Galaxy S5 and had this to say :

Telstra is excited about the new Samsung GALAXY S5, which was launched in Barcelona today. We can confirm that the Samsung GALAXY S5 will be available for Telstra customers when it is released in Australia. Customers can register their interest here:


Vodafone has advised that they too will be carrying the Samsung Galaxy S5. Customers interested in registering their interest can head over to the Vodafone website to enter their details.

With all four major carriers offering the Galaxy S5 we hope to see some decent competition on pricing and plans. None of them at this stage mentioned that they will be definitely be carrying any of the Gear line of wearables, but as we approach the release date we expect to hear more from all four carriers.

Edit: After Optus added their intention to carry the Galaxy S5, we have updated this article to reflect that.

Who will you be getting your Samsung Galaxy S5 from? Or will you be getting it outright?

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I will be going outright as soon as I can buy it. I have had a galaxy s2 outright on Telstra (prepaid) and thinking it is time for an upgrade.


Given that I have a Note 3. The S5 doesn’t rock my world.

Benjamen Meiers

Fairly average all across the board apart from the camera.


Just perfect, my contract finishes soon. Yeepee!!


“By ticking this box, I agree to Vodafone using this email address and/or phone number for marketing, promotional and transactional purposes.” No thanks Vodafone.


You’re pre-registering for information about the sale/release/pre-sale of the S 5. By notifying you that the device is on sale/released/on pre-sale they’re sending you a marketing and promotional communication.

They’re legally required to get your permission before they do that. What else would you like them to do? Take your details and never contact you?


Daniel Tyson

I think we’ve all become a little jaded after ticking that box on other sites and being flooded with offers from every man, dog or pony with an offer – unfortunately ticking that box with ANY of the Australian carriers has given me a net result of 0 emails – even about phones I signed up to be notified of. 🙁


I’d check your filtering rules, as I’ve registered for many emails from many carriers in the past (here and overseas) and always received the notification.

I just find it a bit incredulous that somebody like BurnZ would be so AGHAST at a company following the requirements of the Spam Act. How very dare they!

Daniel Tyson

Trust me, I’ve checked. Nothing in SPAM folders, and I have no filters as a rule.

I REALLY want to know about this stuff but strangely my email address seems to fall into a black hole when it comes to carriers notifying me of devices 🙁


Maybe you is blacklisted, gurl! What you done to those poor carriers? 😛

Daniel Tyson

I’m as nice as pie to carriers……;)


Dan, any way to check if your supplied email address is simply bouncing carriers emails?


Have u seen the settings layout lol… this is s4.5 note 4 here we come

Tony McHugh

I was hoping for a more premium looking phone but I can’t say I’m surprised…. It’s Sammy. I guess This means when I upgrade to the Note 4 is going to have the same design. Good job I but lot’s of cases 🙂


Outright for sure, I’m sick of the bloat ware. Also switching from Optus plan to Telstra for more reliable coverage.