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Google Play, Newsstand, Movies & TV, Keep icon

Google has begun to push out a updates for Google Play NewsStand, Movies & TV following the update to Google Keep. The updates bring a few new features and minor changes within the each of the apps — let’s take a look.

Google Play Newsstand update brings New tabs on the “Read now” menu which provide instant access to sections like business, entertainment and sports, while the My News and My Magazines pages have been combined to form a 2-in-1 destination called My Library. The update has in particular, has made it easier to discover more things to read for users, which is a welcome change.

The update for Google Play Movies & TV has now brought a navigation bar that bundles Settings along with Help & Feedback within a slide-out window. The update has also brought a Google account switcher on top of the app window. Android Central have also discovered within the update, the ability for users to slide a finger on the screen to rewind or go forward either continuously or in 10-second intervals.

The updates should be rolling out to devices now and if not, you can head over to the play store to get the current updates.

Source: EngadgetAndroid Central 1Android Central 2.