Google Music Desktop Player

Google Music for lovers of diverse music such as myself, is probably the best thing to come to the Internet since Spotify. Linked to your phone, tablet or playback via your desktop machine on Mac, Linux or Windows is a pleasure. But the desktop space is not yet well populated with options as far as a stand alone player. We’ve seen Radiant Player for Mac, various options on Linux and recently I’ve found a really nice desktop player for Windows.

The beautiful thing about Play Music being a web app is that it’s not particularly difficult to replicate it’s functions inside a desktop environment as a stand alone program. Google Music Desktop Player (NB. Not associated with Google) does a great job of replicating the functions and presentation of Google Music in a familiar, but slick interface that most users will find very comfortable but with the added advantage that you aren’t going to accidentally close your music tab while flicking around in browsers and losing your playlist. If you’ve been looking for a stand alone windows program for Google Music, this could be the one for you.

It’s important to note again that this is not a Google developed application, nor do Ausdroid have any affiliation with this developer.

Have you found any really good desktop applications for Google Music? Share them with us

Source: Codigobit.
Via: Deviant Art.
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    Derryn Jones

    I tried the Windows desktop player ages ago. It was really buggy then, and it hasn’t been updated since.
    There are weird glitches with the interface, the logins can sometimes be problematic and it sometimes decides to not play anymore, requiring you to log out and back in again. it’s just so much easier to keep a pinned tab in Chrome.


    What are those Linux options you talk about?

    Phil Tann

    Rythmbox and Nuvola (I think I spelled that correctly) both work for Linux. Although in fairness, the Rythmbox setup is a plugin vs a dedicated Google Music application.


    Rythmbox doesn’t work in latest ubuntu releases. I had to compile the old one from source.


    How does this compare to spotify?