Google Translate

Google Translate is widely used around the world, looking at news sites for breaking stories or for communicating with people who don’t necessarily have a clear understanding of your first language (I know my German, Dutch, Italian and Yittish are all rusty non existent).

The announcement via Twitter that there is now a Chrome extension available makes the service even easier to use than it has been in the past.

The use of this extension is as basic as either clicking the “Translate Page” button that is available in the top right corner of your screen once the extension is installed or to translate just a portion of text;

  1. Highlight the text you want to translate
  2. Right click and press Google Translate

You can grab the extension from the Chrome Web Store to install it on your machine.

If you use Google Translate regularly, tell us how this extension will make your life easier?

Source: 9to5 Google.