OnePlus - Oxygen
Since the protracted breakup of OnePlus and CyanogenMod began, the need for a new OS for their phone was evident. OnePlus announced that Oxygen OS would be the new ROM for their phone, indeed their new phones moving forward and today they’ve introduced the team who will be developing it, and a little about it.

Meet Team Blue
Oxygen OS
Team Blue, as OnePlus are calling them, are the team responsible for creating OxygenOS. Leading on from the use of CyanogenMod as their main OS, Oxygen is lokoing to another custom ROM which you may be familiar with, Paranoid Android. But, it’s not all about Paranoid Android, with Helen, a former software designer and program manager for Microsoft acting as Head of Mobile Product.

From the Paranoid Android team, there will be co-founders Jesús and Aaron, though Aaron though will act as Technical Lead, while Jesús will work on headline features. Lead designer at Paranoid Android Arz from India, will be lead UX/UI designer for OxygenOS. There are two more team members from Paranoid Android on deck: Carlo and Hieu, will contribute to features and optimisations of Oxygen OS.

Two other software contributors have been brought on-board, Karim and Yamil will add to the team working on Apps and Recovery Modules.

What will it be like?
OnePlus is very well aware that one of the main features of the OnePlus One, is the software, with many users loving the clean, bloat-free software, which is optimised for power. On this front, OnePlus says:

OxygenOS will not ship with any bloatware. We’re keeping it clean and streamlined for performance. We value things like battery life and system efficiency, so we’ve remained true to our ROM’s namesake and created a seamless experience that is lightweight and essential.

As always, the question is when and OnePlus doesn’t actually have any dates. They’ve advised they will be aiming for a stable build out of the gates, and they’ll also need to have the software certified (presumably CTS-certified). The good news is that the software is in testing, so we may see it sooner than you think. The team has been running a reddit AMA on /r/Android since 3am this morning, so head on over there to check out if your question has been answered.

An interesting choice going to PA, let’s just hope that OnePlus has closed any loopholes that will prevent them from using the software on their phones in future. It would have been nice to see some actual screens etc. from OxygenOS, but those should come out in the coming weeks. We know that OnePlus isn’t scared of showing off their works in progress, so look for those teases in the lead up to the launch.

Have you used Paranoid Android? Do you think that PA will be a good fit for OnePlus owners?

Source: OnePlus.