The seemingly abrupt end of the Glass Explorer program earlier this year led a number of people to believe, that the program was dead. Google Executive Chairman has spoken up about those claims, speaking in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.

The Glass program ended in January with Google announcing that the Glass Explorer program was ending, as were sales of the headset through Google Play. Also announced at the same time was a restructure of the team, as well as a move from the Google X Labs that gave birth to the program into Google proper. As part of the move, it was announced that though the Google Glass team continues to be headed up by Ivy Ross, the team would be overseen by Nest CEO Tony Fadell.

Schmidt has said in his interview that it’s Fadell who is going ‘to make it ready for users’. Of the program overall, Schmidt also noted its importance to Google as a platform, saying

It is a big and very fundamental platform for Google. We ended the Explorer program and the press conflated this into us canceling the whole project, which isnโ€™t true. Google is about taking risks and thereโ€™s nothing about adjusting Glass that suggests weโ€™re ending it.

There were comparisons drawn with the self-driving car project which Google has been at the forefront of for several years. Though it’s been in development for many years, it’s still not ready to drive down the road. It’s this kind of long-term view which Google has for Glass.

Glass V2.0 will eventually make its way into the public arena, but from the sounds of this, it won’t be until it’s really ready this time. Glass V1 as it stood had many issues including terrible battery life, large price and a stigma of privacy invasion thanks to the head-mounted camera, which had no way to indicate when it was recording. It’s these issues which Fadell is reportedly looking to fix before the next version.

What Glass will look like, when it will come and most importantly how much it will cost will be announced in time, we just hope that availability wise it will come to Australia.

Did you purchase Glass? Do you still use it?

Source: Wall Street Journal.
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    Daniel Narbett

    Glass isn’t dead it’s frozen. And as soon as we find the cure for cancer we’re gonna thaw it out and it’s gonna be pretty pissed off. You know why? Have you ever taken a cold shower? Well multiple that by 15-million times, that’s how pissed off Glass is gonna be…

    Daniel Tyson

    Dennis Leary. Nice ๐Ÿ˜‰


    I bought GLASS and it shows incredible potential but it’s the battery that had disappointed me the most. On a trip to France it would only last a half day at a time – I resorted to keeping a battery handy for recharge purposes and it eventually suffered from the dreaded “foiling” issue. Google were great about replacing it but it does have a fatal flaw in the foil that sits on the end of the prism. Under changes in temperature the foil and the prism flex causing the bubbling which eventually causes it to peel off. I love the… Read more ยป

    Daniel Tyson

    Agreed – the battery life is terrible. The stigma of Glass is hit and miss depending on where I’ve actually worn it, some weird and black looks depending on location while in others it’s nothing but genuine delight and interest


    Glass was an interesting experiment that just smacked into so many technical and social issues. I think is was a worthwhile thing to see. It showed what needs to be addressed in future wearables.

    I think it has a future in more Industrial situations, where you need to record events, and where you need cooperation between a team leader and his team. Police, firemen, ambulance, security, military (think Aliens).