Somewhere between 8pm and 9pm AEST last night, OnePlus finally opened the doors for fans wanting to order a branded OnePlus Cardboard Viewer for free. As expected, they ran out of stock quickly – apparently they only had 30,000 units. Today, they’re letting disappointed fans know they can still buy a viewer and attend their virtual July 27th launch of the OnePlus 2.

The way to get Cardboard is quite simple, Google has a recommended page on their official Google Cardboard site, which lists a selection of viewers available. You can grab one there, from one of the many Chinese sites like DealExtreme or you can buy one locally from the Ausdroid Shop of course (we just got Cardboard 2.0 in-stock).

The OnePlus launch is going to be exciting, they obviously can’t accommodate everyone physically so virtually is a great idea – provided it works. I don’t know about anyone else, but trying to watch a slow, buffering, janky stream could be physically underwhelming, not to mention make you nauseous.

The OnePlus 2 virtual launch is scheduled for 7pm PT on the 27th of July, which is 12pm July 28th AEST here in Australia. If you want to watch virtually and still need a headset, better get ordering.

Source: OnePlus Forum.