
Have you ever had a want to video call someone; but instead of use the perfectly functional microphone on your phone or tablet, text them while you’re on a video call? Me either… Yahoo have made an app to do exactly that, it’s a hybrid between a video call, picture messaging and text all in one app.

In the press release announcing LiveText in Australia, Yahoo said

Yahoo Livetext is a new way to stay in touch – it’s non-intrusive, quick and real-time – yet also fleeting, just like real-life conversations. Interactions, from a goofy smile, to an eye roll and a sigh, mean a β€˜Lol’ isn’t needed to ensure the meaning of a text message – as real-time reactions are placed at the centre of the conversation.

It is certainly an interesting hybrid of existing messaging options which I am personally curious to see what the take up will be like.

The app was not found in the store. πŸ™

Will you have a look at Yahoo LiveText, or use the existing messaging options you have?

Source: Yahoo Press.
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That’s enough we have so many messaging app. Give me a reason for this one.

Shwetha kodumuru

Hmm…. Not a chatting app that will interest me to use often.