Sony 2

Sony has begun rolling out their previously announced Marshmallow concept for the Xperia Z3 series to residents of Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany and of course Sweden today, launching the Xperia Z3 Concept on Google Play.

The Sony Xperia Concept for Android Marshmallow firmware is the first stage of Sony’s more broad Marshmallow roll out for their Xperia devices. Sony is looking to rollout a more traditional Marshmallow experience to Xperia owners, however they are toying with a much cleaner UI in their concept software, which they are making available to selected owners of the Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact.

The beta style testing program has now begun and screenshots of the concept software are now leaking out. The cleaner look of the Android 6.0 based concept, is much more AOSP in feel, but still retains the familiar Sony style in certain aspects – dat clock.

Spots were limited to 10,000 users and only those users in the above select European nations.

The app was not found in the store. 🙁

For everyone else, you can now download the ROM from XDA Developers to flash to your Xperia Z3.

Are you interested in looking at the Xperia concept software for the Z3? Would you flash it if it was available?

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I’m testing it on my D6653 now, and it works perfectly so far. Shouldn’t break anything.

Lachie Outhred

Did you install through the play store app or some other method?


Downloaded the ftf file directly from the XDA Developers link

Lachie Outhred

Cool. Is your phone originally a D6653? I tried the lollipop concept on mine but had no 4G/LTE. Note your phone will now claim it’s a D6603… wondering what our was before any tinkering. Cheers.


I too installed it on my D6653 Z3 last night and its been running great. Doze seems to be quite effective in improving battery life. Theres a hidden menu to activate battery percentage.The one thing I miss is double tap to wake.


I wonder if flashing the D6603 ROM on D6653 would break anything. Does anyone here know the technical limitations? The frequency bands supported by the D6603 model seems to be a superset of D6653

Lachie Outhred

See comments on Chris’ post.

Glyn Stuckey

If only the z5 compact had this minimalist styling…. Am I the only person that would love a Xperia Compact nexus?

John Bousattout

You’re not alone on that.
Would love a Sony Nexus.


Definitely. Sony made Nexus with a screen size of 4.7″

John Bousattout

Minimum 1080p screen however.


For me, that’ll be a bonus, but not essential. I prefer a better battery life over a higher dpi. :p


lol @ “dat clock”