
Inbox has changed the way that many of us deal with email; the ability to “one touch” snooze emails and have them reappear when you want or need to deal with them is a truly outstanding feature. Deleting or dismissing groups of emails is another fine feature, but file sharing has been a bit different since Google Photos came in and the ease of doing so is not as easy as drag and drop which can be done for files stored on your pc.

An update to the web interface has changed this however, you can now instantly view files you have recently received as attachments as well as your recently stored Google Photos when you tap the attachment button on a new email. As shown in the Inbox G+ post a slide out menu appears showing your recently received and recent photos, ready for instant attachment to your email.

Their forward thinking and making workflow easier for users is one of the reasons so many users have changed to Inbox for their email needs and easier, tighter integration with other Google service will surely follow.

If you’re not already using it, what new feature would get you to transfer over to Inbox from the standard Gmail interface?

Source: Inbox G+.
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Phill Edwards

I tried Inbox for a while but have it away as I found it hard to use.

Dennis Bareis

I’m using Inbox but it really needs to properly support labels. It doesn’t even tell you which are applied, it is in too many ways too minimalistic. I’m putting up with the rest for the snoozing (which itself could use much more love).

William Ferguson

Totally agree. This is the one reason while I still run a separate Gmail client. Snooze is really brilliant, but losing labels is a killer.


Agreed. I’m persevering with Inbox for now, but I’m not sure for how much longer. As William does, I still have the Gmail app on my phone as well, in order to properly manage labels.