Google Campus
Google and LinkedIn have revealed that they have come to an agreement to swap property between the two companies. Google will get LinkedIn’s Mountain View headquarters and the surrounding land that LinkedIn recently acquired. In exchange, LinkedIn will receive seven buildings that will enable them to consolidate their staff currently spread across their Sunnyvale and Mountain View offices.

The deal will be a straight swap with no money changing hands between the parties. This swap will allow Google to move forward with building their eco-friendly campus that looked to have been thwarted when the Mountain View City Council voted to give the required land to LinkedIn.

Google can now move full steam ahead with whatever redevelopment plans they have. Here’s hoping the City Council don’t hold a grudge and make the approval process too onerous or unfair. If you need a refresher on what the Google’s plans were, check-out their original video.

Considering the mixed feedback Google received for the 2016 Google IO facilities I wonder if they will be considering building their own facilities capable of handling such events?

Source: recode.