
If you were somehow in doubt that Google thinks the future of all things will be Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence don’t be. Google is voraciously chasing Machine Learning to be both basis of both their own products and their suite of Cloud-based development tools for developers.

Today they announced two new open beta APIs based on their extensive Machine Learning research, the Cloud Natural Language API and the Speech API. These APIs are available ot developers who wish to incorporate the power of Google’s text and voice based prowess to power the next generation of applications.

Cloud Natural Language API

Through this new API developers can perform analysis of natural language – e.g. how we all speak and write – to gain a better understanding of the structure nad meaning of the target text. Through the platform applications use Machine Learning to perform:

  • Sentiment Analysis: Understand the overall sentiment of a block of text
  • Entity Recognition: Identify the most relevant entities for a block of text and label them with types such as person, organisation, location, events, products and media
  • Syntax Analysis: Identify parts of speech and create dependency parse trees for each sentence to reveal the structure and meaning of text

At launch, the new service supports English, Spanish and Japanese.

Cloud Speech API

Google previously launched the Cloud Speech API as a closed alpha and the new open Beta builds on that work. With the Beta launch developers can now use Machine Learning to understand over 80 languages. The Cloud Speech API is the same Voice recognition that Google has built into Google Search and Google Now.

In addition to the new API’s Google has announced the expansion of their Machine Learning Cloud infrastructure to reduce latency and processing time as well as expand the capacity to support new developers and products.

With Machine Learning the more it is used the more it learns so Google’s own products will benefit from the increased use of their underlying “data” pool. This isn’t an open source project, this is a commercial product and developers and companies who want to harness the power of the Machine Learning Cloud will pay for that access. That said we can;t expect Google to just give away everything they make.

Are you excited to get more Machine Learning in your everyday? Let us know below.

Source: Google.