Twitter is great for rants but often, well, for me anyway, these rants tend to go over a few tweets. How many times have you replied to a tweet only to have it go a few characters over? Now Twitter will no longer count the names you reply to in the 140 character limit.

In an update rolling out now Twitter have added functionality that you can reply to a person/people and not have their handles included in the number of characters in your message. All you do is reply to the tweet you want to and only the people in the conversation can see the tweet. You can control those included in your reply by removing them from the CC list of your tweet.

The only problem I see with this is that if you want others to see your replies. Word on Twitter today from a former developer at Twitter was that the best way to allow this was to retweet your replies. Seems very inelegant so I’m sure they’ll come up with a proper way around this later on.

At this stage the update is only in the official app and on the web interface but we expect it to make it to third party apps very soon. Keep an eye out for this update and let us know what you think.

Source: Twitter blog.